2019 Law Firm Content Marketing Survey

We are happy to announce the launch of the 2019 Law Firm Content Marketing Survey. If you are a lawyer or law firm marketer we’d really appreciate you spending just a few minutes answering (anonymously) the 14-question survey below. Your responses will help us to compile a report, to be released in March, that will establish statistics, benchmarks, and trends in law firm content marketing.

(This survey is being powered by Survey Monkey—if you prefer to respond to the survey directly via Survey Monkey you can access it by clicking here.)

Why are We Conducting this Survey?

Events are conspiring to make content marketing the most important and effective marketing tactic for law firms in today’s competitive market.

Clients are Online...

  • They’re using search to conduct due diligence. They’re listening and watching for thought leadership on social. They’re following digital breadcrumb trails and piecing together a firm’s or lawyer’s digital resume and making judgments—often without the firm or lawyer event knowing it.

...in Control…

  • In the past, the legal industry (like other sophisticated professional services) benefited from information asymmetry. The industry had access to information that no one else did (or at least it was really hard to find). Today, because of the Internet and social networks, there is information parity. You can find whatever you need online. In this environment wisdom, as expressed through thought leadership and content marketing, is more important than ever.

...and Searching for a Story that Resonates.

  • Amid all of the noise online, law firms and lawyers that want to break through need to wrap their insights in a story. Stories provoke and engage audiences and, when written for a specific audience, demonstrate to the reader, viewer, or listener that the service provider knows what it’s like to walk in their shoes.

The results of this survey will help all of us who are interested in marketing legal services to better understand what’s working, and what’s not, when it comes to law firm content marketing, and report back to you with specific advice and insights on how to improve your law firm’s execution of this critical marketing strategy.

Looking for more? Check out these related posts:

5 Reasons Why Content Marketing Offers the Best ROI for Law Firms in 2019

Five Ways to Become a Better, More Productive Content Marketer (Even if You Don’t Think You Have the Time)

Five Best Practices for Law Firm Content Marketing

We work with professional services firms to develop content marketing strategies, create visual storytelling assets, and build brands and websites that lead to new business.

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If you’re interested in increasing the returns on your marketing investments, contact me to set up a free consultation to discuss how we can work together to define clear goals, create a specific plan of action, and implement marketing tactics that will help your firm grow. 

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